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Common People

Precio €8.00 Oferta

New SynthPunk band was born in Barcelona during 2020. Featuring Lou (bass/vocals), Pablo (guitar), Andy (drums) and Jode (keyboards), they recorded their first demo in April 2021 and this EP you have in your hands was recorded at the end of that same year in Trasheria studios by Todo Roto Kollectif.

Revanche draws influences from SynthPunk and other styles such as Punk, Post Punk and even Death-Rock and they sing in French (except "Tchernobyl Beach" which is in English).

After a first listen to the EP, it will undoubtedly remind you of the French band Cuir, but also of other styles like Punk Rock, Power Pop and even a mix of all these French Punk/Post Punk bands that are doing great in France like Douche Froide or Litige.