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In Summer 2015, these two industrial music acts from Barcelona decided to join their forces to produce a series of songs specifically conceived to be played for first and last time during the third edition of Cønjuntø Vacíø festival. Formed in 2015, CADENA is a three-piece combo refreshing the hardcore punk and industrial rock traditions, and distilling them into a saturated and contemporary sound that is close to the most plastic-like noise rock. COÀGUL is the single-member project of an unclassifiable character who, from 2009 onwards has been taking back the rythm'n'noise sound of Esplendor Geometrico-like acts, translating it into a certain lyrical drive that brings him closer to the lands of folk music rather than those of the noise music into which it's so easy to pigeonhole him. For this occasion, the two acts shaked their hands in their common soils: the obsession for urban space, contemporary dystopia and an active nihilism that connects the suburbs with cosmos. From the work done were born seven songs that were firstly played live at the festival —becoming a corrosive experience which, by the means of noise, light and relational performance art, exhausted the senses of the audience and deprogrammed it's behaviour— to be later recorded at the studio in the days after. With lyrics in Catalan, more than an album this is a document that cartographies a contextual micro-particle key to understand the hidden details of Barcelona's hidden reverse. The release of these songs in LP format has been fruit of the cooperative work between four labels: Dead Moon Records, Discos Enfermos, Broca Records and GH Records.